The Episcopal Church at Princeton (ECP) is a community of students, faculty, and staff from Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary who gather weekly for worship, fellowship, and prayer.
We believe that all persons are lovingly created in the image of God, and we welcome the full participation of people of all backgrounds and identities.
Whether you were raised Episcopalian or have a different faith experience entirely (or none at all), we invite you to join us with your questions, doubts, and curiosity as we seek to embody the light of Christ on Princeton’s campus and beyond.Wherever you find yourself on the journey of life and faith, know that you are welcome here.
Sunday Services at 8pm in University Chapel.
Spring semester 2025 Services start on January 26th.
Fellowship Gatherings at Procter House on Tuesdays at 7pm at Procter House.
spring semester 2025 Fellowship Gatherings begin January 28th.
Connect with ecp’s Chaplain:
During these uncertain days, we are here to assure you of God’s presence and to provide you with spiritual guidance.
If you would like to talk with our Chaplain - for spiritual counsel, prayer, or general conversation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
To contact Fr. Allen:, 217-979-7137 (text/call).
Contact form
Students at ECP ask tough questions, discern calling, forge friendships, and seek to make a difference in the world––
as we have since our inception in 1867.
Explore opportunities to connect with others and with God.
ECP offers a variety of opportunities to reflect, pray, and worship.
From our main service on Sundays to weekday evening prayer, join students, faculty, and staff from across Princeton
to explore a life of faith.
ECP is open to all Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary students, staff, and faculty who are interested in supporting our organization’s mission, regardless of identity, such as race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, or other protected characteristics.