Wherever you find yourself on the journey of life and faith,
know that you are welcome here.
The Episcopal Church at Princeton (ECP) is a community of faith encompassing students, faculty, and staff at Princeton University, Westminster Choir College, and Princeton Theological Seminary, as well as member of the wider Princeton community.
Whether you consider yourself an Anglican or agnostic, conservative or progressive, gay or straight, Christian or just curious, secular humanist or spiritual-but-not-religious, a doubter or devotee, questioning or convinced, there is room for you here.
We seek to be:
1) A SAFE COMMUNITY where you can ask your questions about God, Spiritual Truth, and Religion (for more info go here).
2) A WORSHIPING COMMUNITY where you can experience God through Liturgy, Scripture, and Music (for more info go here).
3) A LOVING COMMUNITY that offers to walk with you on your journey (for more info go here).
Feel free to contact our chaplain for any reason at any time.
And take a moment to learn more about us, connect with us, or attend one of our regular services of prayer, worship, and fellowship.
Students at ECP ask tough questions, discern calling, forge friendships, and seek to make a difference in the world––
as we have since our inception in 1867.
Explore opportunities to connect with others and with God.
ECP offers a variety of opportunities to reflect, pray, and worship.
From our main service on Sundays to weekday evening prayer, join students, faculty, and staff from across Princeton
to explore a life of faith.